All About Tantric Massage | Tibetan Soul – Tibetan soul

All About Tantric Massage

All About Tantric Massage


We are going to address a topic that you have probably come across on our website, which is tantrism. Last time we explored tantrism through yoga. And this time, we will discover other dimensions of this practice through massage. Without further ado, let's take a look at this practice often stereotyped for its sensual nature, but so transcendent !

What is Tantric Massage?

Tantric massage is an ancient practice that has its origins in Indian and Tibetan traditions. More than just a relaxing massage, tantric massage is a profound sensory experience that aims to harmonize the body, mind, and soul.

Origins of Tantric Massage

Tantric massage is closely linked to tantric traditions that date back thousands of years. Tantric practices are based on a holistic view of the human being, considering the body and mind as interconnected.

Fundamental Principles of Tantric Massage

At the core of tantric massage lies the vital energy, known as "kundalini." Tantric massage aims to awaken this energy and allow it to flow through the body's various energy centers, known as "chakras." The ultimate goal is to achieve a state of harmony and deep ecstasy.

Recap of Tantra Notions

The word tantra means "weave" or "extend." The idea with Tantra is to weave together various practices, styles, and spiritual teachings to connect with others and the universe. When practiced consistently, Tantra can help you align with who you are, achieve your goals, and, when practiced with a partner, deepen your relationship.

The fundamental teaching of tantra is that, regardless of gender identity, we all have masculine and feminine polarities within us, and by balancing and cultivating these energies through our bodies, we become instruments of expansion. Masculine energy is about moving things forward, while feminine energy concerns nurturing, emotions, and empathy.

The origins of tantra can be traced back to and are first clearly documented towards the middle of the first millennium after Jesus Christ in India. It has Hindu and Buddhist roots and has also influenced Eastern religious traditions such as Jainism, Sikhism, Tibetan Bon, Taoism, and Japanese Shinto.

Important, any online search involving the term "Tantra" will primarily return results referencing only sex. This is not to ignore that life, in general, is sexual. Most animals spend their lives working to attract each other. Yet, through tantric practices, many of which are mystical and sometimes, yes, of a sexual nature, there is no division between piety and humanity. Although each tantric tradition is different, most agree that the practitioner is a deity and that this state is accessible through ritual, meditative, and yogic practices (reference to our article "Tantra Yoga").

Tantra and Sexuality

The art of tantric sexuality is considered "yogic" in nature, and it can also lead to similar benefits as yoga practice. It can help reduce stress, improve flexibility, and find a little more peace through breath control and body awareness. If this sounds like something you'd like to try, experimenting with tantra in the bedroom is quite simple. If you're single, don't worry, tantric principles can also be incorporated into a self-love session.

Additionally, eye contact is another way to experience tantric practices, either with your partner or alone. For example, you can spend time gazing into your partner's eyes or your own in the mirror. Ultimately, tantra aims to expand the experience of sexuality to include other spiritual and emotional elements. Once we accept the whole body as a sexual instrument rather than just the genitals, we can start to experience liberation. This comes with deeper intimacy and confidence, not only with our partners but with our own bodies and minds!

So indeed, it aligns mainly with sexuality, but this practice is much deeper than that. Far beyond yoga, tantrism, or tantra can be experienced through other avenues such as massage.

Tantric Massage

Tantric massage is a sensual massage aimed at awakening sexual energy and directing it upwards and throughout the body. This opens up all energy centers and channels, freeing them from any mental, emotional, and physical blockages so that the energy of life can flow beautifully and freely throughout the body.

By browsing through all of our articles, this will undoubtedly speak to you dear readers! This practice is not intended to release or lose energy, but rather to nourish it and let it nourish all the cells of the body.

Furthermore, Tantric massage allows you to delve into deeper areas of pleasure, and not just that. Most people experiencing this often cry, get angry, or "giggle" during their sessions. Why? It unblocks pathways of release so that energy can flow unhindered. You can achieve a lot through mental and emotional work, changing beliefs and bad habits. You can also improve a lot in your life, but some memories and beliefs may still remain in the body and can only be released through the body.

Tantric Massage and Sexuality

Sexuality in Tantric Massage

Although tantric massage is often associated with sexuality, it is not solely a sexual experience. Tantric massage can awaken sensuality and sexuality, but it can also be experienced as a non-sexual experience, focused on relaxation, healing, and spirituality.

Tantric Massage for Couples

Tantric massage can be a rewarding experience to share as a couple. It promotes complicity, mutual listening, and the discovery of new dimensions of the relationship. Tantric massage can help couples deepen their intimacy and strengthen their emotional and spiritual connection.

Transcend Your Being with Tantric Massage

Tantric massage not only enhances body love but expands your entire being, completing parts of your life that prevent you from living your full potential. It is common for people to have deep insights during Tantric massage. Deep relaxation and peace are common reactions. Some go through a deep healing experience, others learn to open up to pleasure, but others are surprised by how much joy they can take to reach various altered states of consciousness.

Traditionally, sexuality is mainly associated with the physical body. Yet, by knowing how to work with sexual energy, we can transcend the physical realm and experience ourselves as energy. This is the magic of sacred sexual alchemy. It's not that the physical level is bad anyway. It's as divine as any other level, but it's by far not all that a human being is capable of accessing.

Why would we want to live more than just a physical level? Because it reveals to us that we are not limited to our physical bodies, thus our perception and understanding of ourselves change radically, impacting us in a way that we become more in tune with our true essence. Finally, it's so stimulating and liberating!

Benefits of Tantric Massage

Emotional Benefits

Tantric massage also allows you to explore and release buried emotions. It can promote emotional healing, self-confidence, and reconciliation with your body. Tantric massage can be a true source of pleasure and joy, thus promoting better emotional health.

Spiritual Benefits

Tantric massage opens the door to a deep spiritual dimension. It allows you to explore your spirituality, reconnect with your own essence, and develop a higher consciousness. Tantric massage can be a powerful and transformative spiritual experience.

Importance of Connection and Consent

Connection Between the Masseur and the Massaged

In tantric massage, the connection between the masseur and the massaged is paramount. A relationship of trust and mutual respect is established from the beginning of the session. The masseur listens to the needs and limits of the massaged, thus creating a safe space for exploration and sharing.

Importance of Mutual Consent

Mutual consent is an essential element of tantric massage. At any time, the massaged has the right to communicate their limits and preferences. The masseur respects these limits and ensures that the massaged feels safe and comfortable throughout the session.

How Does a Tantric Massage Session Go?

In the Indian tradition, it begins with a bath or shower, you receive a towel and a sarong used in India as ritual clothing. A massage is performed to sensual oriental music also accompanying your purification. You will probably distinguish several scents of essential oils. As soon as the purification is complete, the massage begins.

Then, the tantra massage begins with a ritual in a vertical position as an expression of respect towards the receiver and of harmonization with each other. You have nothing to do at all, a masseur or masseuse will take care of everything. Your role is simply to follow the awakening of your senses, your attention will sharpen, and light waves will traverse your body. In this sense, you stop thinking and only enjoy the feelings and touch. During the ritual, the sarong will probably be removed without even consciously noticing it.

Then, a massage relaxes you from tension and stress and through long movements and a pleasant massage of the head, feet, and trapezius. Then, a masseur or masseuse will use warm towels with essential oils to bring you to a deeper relaxation and intense bodily sensations.

Once the body is sensitized, it is massaged with furs, feathers, and soft objects so that excitement flows throughout your body. The peak of your sensual experience is a full-body oil massage with hot oriental oil. Every part of the body is massaged to relax and pamper to the limits of tolerance.

Tantra Teaches Us to Relax According to Reality

Intimate Tantric Massage

Very slowly, a masseur or masseuse will approach your intimate parts, of course, this is a practice of which you are the sole decision maker.

You discover that there is no shame, and you are entitled to enjoy this type of moment with impunity. In general, you know that part of tantric massage is also an intimate massage of the yoni or lingam, but you can never imagine what it looks like.

Energy flows from your genitals to your spine and you begin to feel what tantra means. You start to remember what you heard about breathing at the beginning and focus on using awakened energy. The donor's hands are all over you. She helps you breathe and get energy throughout your body, and when you take another breath, she leads you further into yourself. You don't think if you're completely devoted or open; the energy between the two of you is almost material. There is no pressure or expectations. You slowly lose yourself in time and space and your body is full of energy that nourishes and heals you.

Fertility and Tantric Massage

Infertility is defined as a couple failing to conceive for more than a year. Approximately 5 to 15% of couples face such a complication. Female physiological causes may be, for example, injury or closure of a fallopian tube, hormonal defects, or problems with egg coating. Male infertility is often caused by sperm quality, sperm or chromosomal defects.

Tantra teaches us to relax according to reality. It teaches us to play, to experiment, and to rejoice in our own body and that of our partner. Also, tantra massage helps to relax the pelvis and stoke energy especially that of life. This is extremely important since your pelvis must vibrate, live, and be charged. During a tantric massage the same applies to your breast with which you feed your baby. Moreover, in tantric massage, we have a sensitive and caring approach while respecting the energetic nature of life.

In tantric massage, we also have an understanding of human sexuality and a broad experience in the field. Our tantric massage respects your boundaries and understanding of sexuality. We have the sensitivity to understand and know your boundaries. Therefore, in our tantric massage, you will not be approached for sexual services or sexual intercourse. The masseuse will only focus on your needs and energies. Your enjoyment, pleasure, and happiness are most important.

If you suffer from infertility, we recommend a tantric massage. You will feel more relaxed and satisfied, and your pelvis and genitals will be properly charged. And it is not only to charge the pelvis but also to release, relax and heal it. But it also unblocks and releases pelvis. This is especially important for you, women. It is through this relaxation that the energy can flow freely into your genitals. Men will find that they have more power in their genitals and that it is easier to control their ejaculation.

By releasing and freeing energy in the pelvis, you make it easier to have children. But beware, tantric massage does not cure infertility itself. It is simply that the energy of life will better reach the genitals. It is thus charged and it is easier to make babies.

Conclusion Tantric massage

Tantric massage is much more than a simple massage; it is a holistic experience that encompasses the body, mind, and soul. Through tantric massage, you can explore and awaken your sensuality, sexuality, emotions, and spirituality. Whether you are looking for relaxation, healing, or spiritual growth, tantric massage can offer you profound and transformative experiences. Remember to always approach tantric massage with an open mind, a willing heart, and a deep respect for yourself and others.

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